Publication description
- Basic information
Product group Mobile and all terrain cranes
Brand Faun HK 028
Year of manufacture 1994
Machine Location Germany
Country Germany
- Details
Internal stock no. FK091
Hours of use 9,400 h
Maximum lift capacity 30 t
Maximum lift height 0,02 m
Hook height of crane - luffed jib 7,5 m
Meter read-out 224,304 km
Original colour Grau
Carrier engine Daimler Chrysler
Engine Manufacturer Daimler Chrysler
Production country Germany
Faun HK 028
Publication description
- Basic information
Product group Mobile and all terrain cranes
Brand Faun HK 028
Year of manufacture 1994
Machine Location Germany
Country Germany
- Details
Internal stock no. FK091
Hours of use 9,400 h
Maximum lift capacity 30 t
Maximum lift height 0,02 m
Hook height of crane - luffed jib 7,5 m
Meter read-out 224,304 km
Original colour Grau
Carrier engine Daimler Chrysler
Engine Manufacturer Daimler Chrysler
Production country Germany
Related cranes
Boom truck cranes