Publication description
1993 Sumitomo LS248RH-5
- 168 US ton
- 230’ main boom
- no jib
- 2 hoists
- Block & Ball
- LSI computer system
Description automatically generated based on the publication's technical sheet
Crawler cranes for sale - Sumitomo LS248RH-5
If you are in the market for a reliable and powerful crawler crane, look no further than the Sumitomo LS248RH-5. This crane, available for sale from Exact Crane & Equipment Corp in Solon, Ohio, United States, is the perfect addition to any construction or heavy lifting project.
The Sumitomo LS248RH-5 comes equipped with a 230-feather jib, offering maximum flexibility and reach. With a maximum load capacity of 168 tons, this crane can handle even the heaviest of loads with ease.
Built in 1993, this crawler crane has stood the test of time and is still in excellent condition. Its sturdy design and high-quality construction ensure that it will continue to perform at a top level for years to come.
When it comes to maneuverability, the Sumitomo LS248RH-5 does not disappoint. Featuring an easy-to-use control system, operators will have no trouble navigating this crane in tight spaces and challenging worksites.
Whether you are looking to expand your fleet or need a reliable crane for a specific project, the Sumitomo LS248RH-5 is a top choice. Contact Exact Crane & Equipment Corp today to learn more about this exceptional crawler crane and to make it a part of your construction arsenal.
Sumitomo LS248RH-5
Publication description
1993 Sumitomo LS248RH-5
- 168 US ton
- 230’ main boom
- no jib
- 2 hoists
- Block & Ball
- LSI computer system
Description automatically generated based on the publication's technical sheet
Crawler cranes for sale - Sumitomo LS248RH-5
If you are in the market for a reliable and powerful crawler crane, look no further than the Sumitomo LS248RH-5. This crane, available for sale from Exact Crane & Equipment Corp in Solon, Ohio, United States, is the perfect addition to any construction or heavy lifting project.
The Sumitomo LS248RH-5 comes equipped with a 230-feather jib, offering maximum flexibility and reach. With a maximum load capacity of 168 tons, this crane can handle even the heaviest of loads with ease.
Built in 1993, this crawler crane has stood the test of time and is still in excellent condition. Its sturdy design and high-quality construction ensure that it will continue to perform at a top level for years to come.
When it comes to maneuverability, the Sumitomo LS248RH-5 does not disappoint. Featuring an easy-to-use control system, operators will have no trouble navigating this crane in tight spaces and challenging worksites.
Whether you are looking to expand your fleet or need a reliable crane for a specific project, the Sumitomo LS248RH-5 is a top choice. Contact Exact Crane & Equipment Corp today to learn more about this exceptional crawler crane and to make it a part of your construction arsenal.
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