Publication description
2008 Link-Belt RTC-8090 Series II
- Hours: 11,726
- Ton (USt): 90.00
- Lifting Capacity: 180,000 lbs. (81,647 kg)
- Main Boom Length:38' - 140' (11.6 - 42.7 m)
- Jib Extension Length: 35' - 58' (10.7 -17.7 m)
- Engine: CAT
Description automatically generated based on the publication's technical sheet
Rough Terrain Cranes Link Belt RTC-8090 Series II for Sale or Rent
Looking for a reliable rough terrain crane? Check out the Link Belt RTC-8090 Series II. This versatile crane is suitable for a wide range of projects and is currently available for sale or rent.
Featuring a feather jib and a horometer reading of 11,726 hours, this crane offers outstanding performance and durability. With a maximum load capacity of 90 tons, it can handle even the most demanding lifting tasks with ease.
Manufactured in 2008, this Link Belt RTC-8090 Series II crane is located in Owensboro, Kentucky, United States. It is offered by Sterett Equipment Company, LLC, a trusted name in the industry. Sterett Equipment Company, LLC specializes in providing top-quality cranes and equipment to meet the needs of construction, oil and gas, and other industries.
Whether you are looking to purchase or rent a rough terrain crane, the Link Belt RTC-8090 Series II is a reliable choice. Contact Sterett Equipment Company, LLC for more information on this exceptional crane and to discuss your specific requirements.
```Link Belt RTC-8090 Series II
Publication description
2008 Link-Belt RTC-8090 Series II
- Hours: 11,726
- Ton (USt): 90.00
- Lifting Capacity: 180,000 lbs. (81,647 kg)
- Main Boom Length:38' - 140' (11.6 - 42.7 m)
- Jib Extension Length: 35' - 58' (10.7 -17.7 m)
- Engine: CAT
Description automatically generated based on the publication's technical sheet
Rough Terrain Cranes Link Belt RTC-8090 Series II for Sale or Rent
Looking for a reliable rough terrain crane? Check out the Link Belt RTC-8090 Series II. This versatile crane is suitable for a wide range of projects and is currently available for sale or rent.
Featuring a feather jib and a horometer reading of 11,726 hours, this crane offers outstanding performance and durability. With a maximum load capacity of 90 tons, it can handle even the most demanding lifting tasks with ease.
Manufactured in 2008, this Link Belt RTC-8090 Series II crane is located in Owensboro, Kentucky, United States. It is offered by Sterett Equipment Company, LLC, a trusted name in the industry. Sterett Equipment Company, LLC specializes in providing top-quality cranes and equipment to meet the needs of construction, oil and gas, and other industries.
Whether you are looking to purchase or rent a rough terrain crane, the Link Belt RTC-8090 Series II is a reliable choice. Contact Sterett Equipment Company, LLC for more information on this exceptional crane and to discuss your specific requirements.
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