Publication description
2012 Broderson IC-200-3G
- S/N 219063200
- 15 US Ton
- Cummins B3.3 (6,873 Hours)
- 50 Main Boom
- 16 Jib
- 2 Wheel Drive and 4 Wheel Steer
- Engine Heater
- Headlight and Taillight Grilles
- Strobe Light
- All Weather Cab
- RCL Greer
- Block and Ball
- New Paint
- Located in Cleveland, OH
Description automatically generated based on the publication's technical sheet
Industrial Carry Deck Cranes for Sale - Broderson IC-200-3G
All Erection & Crane Rental Corp offers the reliable and powerful Broderson IC-200-3G carry deck crane for sale. With only 6,873 hours on the feather, this 2012 model is in great condition and ready to handle your lifting needs.
Featuring a maximum load capacity of 15 tons and a 50-foot boom, the Broderson IC-200-3G is perfect for tight spaces and jobsites where maneuverability is essential. Its compact design allows for easy transportation and positioning, making it ideal for industrial applications.
Located in Cleveland, Ohio, the All Erection & Crane Rental Corp is a trusted company with extensive experience in the crane industry. Count on their expertise and excellent customer service to help you find the perfect crane solution for your project.
Don't miss the opportunity to own a high-quality Broderson IC-200-3G carry deck crane. Contact All Erection & Crane Rental Corp today or visit their website for more information at
Broderson IC-200-3G
Publication description
2012 Broderson IC-200-3G
- S/N 219063200
- 15 US Ton
- Cummins B3.3 (6,873 Hours)
- 50 Main Boom
- 16 Jib
- 2 Wheel Drive and 4 Wheel Steer
- Engine Heater
- Headlight and Taillight Grilles
- Strobe Light
- All Weather Cab
- RCL Greer
- Block and Ball
- New Paint
- Located in Cleveland, OH
Description automatically generated based on the publication's technical sheet
Industrial Carry Deck Cranes for Sale - Broderson IC-200-3G
All Erection & Crane Rental Corp offers the reliable and powerful Broderson IC-200-3G carry deck crane for sale. With only 6,873 hours on the feather, this 2012 model is in great condition and ready to handle your lifting needs.
Featuring a maximum load capacity of 15 tons and a 50-foot boom, the Broderson IC-200-3G is perfect for tight spaces and jobsites where maneuverability is essential. Its compact design allows for easy transportation and positioning, making it ideal for industrial applications.
Located in Cleveland, Ohio, the All Erection & Crane Rental Corp is a trusted company with extensive experience in the crane industry. Count on their expertise and excellent customer service to help you find the perfect crane solution for your project.
Don't miss the opportunity to own a high-quality Broderson IC-200-3G carry deck crane. Contact All Erection & Crane Rental Corp today or visit their website for more information at
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Broderson IC-200-3G
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