Publication description
1988 GROVE RT 58C
- Hours: 6,598
- Serial Number: 71126
- Ton (USt):18.00
- Main Boom Length: 60'
- Engine: Cummins
Description automatically generated based on the publication's technical sheet
Rough terrain cranes for sale or rent
Sterett Equipment Company, LLC offers the Grove RT58C rough terrain crane for sale or rent. This crane has a maximum load capacity of 18 tons, making it suitable for various lifting applications. It features a feather jib with a length of 60 meters, providing enhanced reach and flexibility on construction sites.
The Grove RT58C rough terrain crane was manufactured in 1988 but is still in excellent condition. It has a horometer reading of 6598 hours, indicating its reliable performance and durability over the years. This crane is located in Owensboro, Kentucky, United States, making it easily accessible for those in the area.
Sterett Equipment Company, LLC is a trusted provider of construction equipment, and their Grove RT58C rough terrain crane is no exception. With its high load capacity, versatile jib, and meticulous maintenance, this crane is a valuable asset for any construction project. Whether you need to buy or rent a rough terrain crane, Sterett Equipment Company, LLC has got you covered.
Grove RT58C
Publication description
1988 GROVE RT 58C
- Hours: 6,598
- Serial Number: 71126
- Ton (USt):18.00
- Main Boom Length: 60'
- Engine: Cummins
Description automatically generated based on the publication's technical sheet
Rough terrain cranes for sale or rent
Sterett Equipment Company, LLC offers the Grove RT58C rough terrain crane for sale or rent. This crane has a maximum load capacity of 18 tons, making it suitable for various lifting applications. It features a feather jib with a length of 60 meters, providing enhanced reach and flexibility on construction sites.
The Grove RT58C rough terrain crane was manufactured in 1988 but is still in excellent condition. It has a horometer reading of 6598 hours, indicating its reliable performance and durability over the years. This crane is located in Owensboro, Kentucky, United States, making it easily accessible for those in the area.
Sterett Equipment Company, LLC is a trusted provider of construction equipment, and their Grove RT58C rough terrain crane is no exception. With its high load capacity, versatile jib, and meticulous maintenance, this crane is a valuable asset for any construction project. Whether you need to buy or rent a rough terrain crane, Sterett Equipment Company, LLC has got you covered.